Spectator guide
We’re glad you’re interested in spectating at the Overmountain Rally! The spectator guide is posted below.
It’s worth mentioning that volunteers actually get a better vantage point than spectators, free lunch, and event swag. We hope you’ll consider contributing to the event as a volunteer!
Spectator Safety
Safety is the top priority for the Overmountain Rally, whether that be the safety of competitors, volunteers, or spectators. It is important for spectators to adhere to the safety guidelines below to keep themselves safe as well as those around them.
Always keep your own safety in mind
Park in a safe place that does not block traffic flow
Vehicles parked on the rally stage may be towed
Follow Marshall’s instructions
Observe and obey all event signage
Pick up your trash and help keep our forests clean
Stay within the official spectator areas
Keep off of the rally stage
Be alert and aware of your surroundings
Cars may run wide on corners
Cars may cut corners
Cars may throw up stones/debris
Failure to follow Marshall directions may lead to pausing or cancellation of the stage and spectator dismissal

Finding your way around a rally as a spectator can be at times challenging. Using features found within the On X Offroad app, we can help you cross that navigational barrier and get you out there to see more. We have shared spectator maps below via the folder share feature within the app for an enhanced rally experience.
The app must be downloaded to your device to view the maps! Use promo code OVRMTN24 to get 20% off membership purchases.
Saturday September 14
Saturday spectating locations / TIME: 9:00 am - 9:30 pm
OnX Offroad Spectator Map: Saturday, September 14th
There are multiple great ways to see rally action on Saturday! Start the day with by meeting the drivers at the Parc Expose’ at Newport Fairgrounds in Newport, TN or get out to a spectator location early to see the cars on the first loop. All forest spectator points on Saturday are captive - meaning that you will not be able to come and go as you wish. If you go to a spectator point early to catch the first loop, plan to stay there for the second loop. We can not accommodate massive movements of spectators between the stages. If you choose to attend the morning Parc Expose, plan to pick one spectator point to attend on the second loop. Follow the directions below to get to the stages. Its important to FOLLOW THE DIRECITIONS PROVIDED. We ask you to go a certain direction for a reason.
Rally cars will be back at Newport Fairgrounds at 1:00 pm. Service area spectating is available for those that want to see the skilled service crews in action.
There will be a second Parc Expose’ at Newport Speedway on Saturday evening. Parc Expose’ starts at 7:00 pm, and super special (head to head) racing on the short track will start at 8:30 pm. Rally cars will be flying off jumps under the lights of Newport Speedway! This is can’t miss action! Racing will conclude at 9:30 pm.
Gate Fee at Newport Speedway: $20/$10 kids 12 and under.
Wasp (35.83721, -82.95681)
Times: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm/ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The Wasp viewing area is a great place to spend the day. After parking and walking ~0.1 miles up Round Mountain Rd to the Round Mountain Campground, you’ll be treated to two different viewing areas and campground amenities like restrooms, tables, and grills. If you’re coming here, plan to be parked on Boomer Den Rd by 9:00 am!
The preferred access point is from the southeast on Round Mountain Rd. To get here, take Exit 7 off Interstate 40 and drive north on Cold Springs Cr Rd. Follow signs for Max Patch. Continue past Max Patch parking area until you arrive at marshal point on Round Mountain Rd. If no marshal is present, you may continue down to the specified parking area. If a marshal is present, drive down the road only when directed.
The road to this point will close by 9:00 am. If you arrive late and are directed to not proceed onto the road, you will still be able to see the cars pass by the marshal point. Just stay there until the stage is clear, and the marshal will allow you to drive to the designated parking location before the next loop.
There is NO PARKING on FSR 96 (Wolf Creek South). Vehicles parked in non-designated areas may be towed and will cause rally delays or potentially cancelled stages.
Always listen to the safety marshal at the spectator location. Only go where the marshal allows. If you leave the safe location, you could cause delays in the rally or even for the stage to be cancelled. You don’t want to be that guy.
Weaver Bend (35.94409, -82.93324)
Times: 10:00 am - 1:45 pm/ 2:00 pm - 5:45 pm
The Weaver Bend viewing area has the most available parking and is a much shorter drive to access than Wasp. From the viewing area on the bridge, you’ll see the cars take a fast left hander down the hill and onto tarmac. It’s a beautiful place to spend the day as well with Brush Creek rushing under your feet and the French Broad river off to the left. The 1 mile hike from the parking area to Allan Branch Pond will be well worth the effort. Viewing here will be exhilarating since this is the fastest section of the whole rally!
The preferred access point is from the south off of Highway 25. From Newport, take Highway 25 until the left turn onto Weaver Bend Rd. The road at this point will close by 10:00 am. If you arrive late and are directed to not proceed onto the road, you will still be able to see the cars as they start the stage. After the first loop finishes, the marshal will allow you to drive to the designated parking location before the next loop. Vehicles should not block the road or stage access while waiting.
There is no spectator parking at Allan Branch Pond.
Always listen to the safety marshal at the spectator location. Only go where the marshal allows. If you leave the safe location, you could cause delays in the rally or even for the stage to be cancelled. You don’t want to be that guy.
Sunday September 15th
Sunday Spectating Locations / Time 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
OnX Offroad Spectator Map: Sunday, September 15th
The rally has an early start on Sunday with a morning Parc Expose’ at the Founder’s Park Pavilion in downtown Johnson City, TN at 7:00 am. Cars will start to leave at 8:00 am for the first forest loop. There will be time to see Parc Expose’ in the morning and still get to the “Hellbender 4-way” spectator location before the first car comes through!
There will be two Sunday forest spectating locations, all on the Hellbender Stage, which will run 3 times. Spectators should reference the schedule shown below to find out when each location will be active for the rally. Rally cars will be back in downtown Johnson City at 12:00 pm for a mid day service. Service area spectating is available for those that want to see the skilled service crews in action. The service area is at the Tweetsie Trail additional parking lot across from Builder’s First Source. Spectator parking is available all day at City Hall/ JCPD office building.
The rally will conclude with awards and champagne spray at Yee-Haw Brewing in Johnson City at 8:00 pm. Spectators welcome at the rally after party at Yee-Haw!
Hellbender “delta” (36.51599, -82.04161)
Times: 9:00 am - 7:30 pm
If you’re looking for one all inclusive spectating location for Sunday, we recommend the Hellbender “Delta” spectator viewing location. This location is easy to access from Highway 421; just turn right onto Camp Tom Howard Rd and follow signs for Little Oak Campground. The road to the spectator point is paved, and you will have close access to bathrooms when the stage is not active. There is plenty of parking on the side of Little Oak Rd.
The rally will be racing past this point 2 times, and this will also be the start location for the final stage of the rally. So there will be plenty of action to see all day long!
This is a “captive” spectating point, so we will not be able to accommodate requests to leave or move while the rally is running. If you’re attending this location, plan to be parked in Little Oak Campground with your car well off the road by 9:00 am and enjoy a fun day of rallying! After 9:00 am, the road may be closed for safety. You can wait at the closure point on Camp Tom Howard and follow sweep to the spectator point for the next loop when directed by event officials.
Always listen to the safety marshal at the spectator location. Only go where the marshal allows. If you leave the safe location, you could cause delays in the rally or even for the stage to be cancelled. You don’t want to be that guy.
Hellbender “4-way” (36.46842, -82.11479)
Times: 9:00 am - 7:30 pm
DO NOT BLOCK THE ROAD. This is an emergency evacuation route, and must be kept clear!
The Hellbender “4-way” spectator point is located at the intersection of Big Creek Rd (FSR 87D) and Flatwoods Rd (FSR 87) in Sullivan County, TN. Spectators will be able to view the rally on both the West and East sides of the intersection and enjoy 3 other locations accessible from the Flatwoods Rd parking area. The West side parking will be open to allow spectators to come and go, but the East side parking will be captive. This is the best single place in the whole rally to park in ONE PLACE and enjoy different spectator viewing locations. The rally passes this stage 3 times, so spectators can move to three different viewing areas without driving!
The viewing areas at the intersection of FSR 87D and Morrell Creek Rd and Morrell Trail are hike-to ONLY. There is NO PARKING ON MORRELL CREEK RD or at Morrell Trail trailhead. Spectators must park on Flatwoods Rd in the designated areas and HIKE to Morrell Creek Rd and Morrell Trail viewing areas.
The north viewing area is only accessible when the stage is not “hot,” so you must be in place before the cars start coming through. Follow marshal instructions for your safety.
Always listen to the safety marshal at the spectator location. Only go where the marshal allows. If you leave the safe location, you could cause delays in the rally or even for the stage to be cancelled. You don’t want to be that guy.
Rally finsih and podiums
Times: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
The rally will present trophies and awards at Yee-Haw Brewing in Johnson City, TN. Please join us here after the rally to watch the awards, meet our sponsors, chat with competitors.
Awards will likely take place between 7:00 - 9:30 PM but feel free to get there earlier to enjoy great food and drinks!