why volunteer?
Glad you asked! Volunteers are essential in making rallies work. They handle competitor time cards, road marshaling, time controls, as well as start and finish controls. It’s the best way to get up close to the action! If you don’t know anything about rally yet, but you think you might be interested in competing one day, volunteering will help bring you up to speed on what rally is and how to go racing yourself. Follow the steps below to get started with Volunteering!
1. Learn about the different Volunteer Positions
2. Check the Volunteer Schedule to see when we need help
3. Exctied?? Click below to Volunteer Now!
4. Book your hotel room
5. Lets Chat! Join our Volunteers facebook group to talk with other volunteers!
6. Volunteer Pre-Event Information
stage marshal
Road Marshals focus on non-rally traffic and pedestrians. Their main focus is to make sure no one can enter the rally stage while competition is happening. They might also be assigned to other various duties as the organizers need extra help. If you’ve never volunteered before, this is for you!
control marshal
The next step after a few rallies as a Road Marshal is to volunteer to be part of a Time Control. Time Control volunteers are essential for the rally to operate correctly. Without these people, cars would just be driving through the woods aimlessly. Time controls make it a rally!
safety net
HAM radio operators are the backbone of the rally, relaying all important information to the Clerk. Start and finish of stages require a HAM operator, and the rally relies on amateur radio operators to track cars, volunteers, and spectators to keep everyone safe.
Medical personnel are stationed throughout the event as first response in case of accidents.